About Us

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Matawan, New Jersey, United States

Tickle Toes offers the absolute best in chic infant and children's apparel and accessories. Give your child the best in quality and style with a gift from Tickle Toes. We are proud to be MADE IN AMERICA! www.tickletoes.com

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Made In America

Made In America -even typing those three little words feels a bit strange. We are more used to terms like, Made in China or Assembled in Thailand or Product of Mexico. We as a nation of entrepreneurs and innovators have all but lost our ability to manufacture anything. So many companies have gone the way of importing rather manufacturing. Globalization (in part) has come at the cost of forfeiting our ability to produce products. This may not be a big deal for some industries but for others it has had crippling effects.

In particular the talented men and women who had mastered the art / science of garment working, furniture making, etc. have long since moved on to other occupations. The process of seeking out individuals with this set of skills is difficult to say the least.

Tickle Toes takes great pleasure in stating that we are Made In America and that we will always be Made In America. In addition to offering you the absolute best in children’s and infants accessories, the manufacturing of our products allows talented Americans to use their unique skill sets.

It is an unfortunate fact that most consumers are indifferent to where products are being manufactured and especially now when so many people have been affected by the slowing economy. However, there are companies all across this great nation that despite consumer indifference, continue to manufacture the best products in the world and at the same time support local communities and families.

Clearly supporting our local communities and families would be impossible without you and for that we are eternally grateful.